Exclusive Interview: Dr. Peter McCullough on the ‘settled science’ surrounding COVID-19 vaccines

Exclusive Interview: Dr. Peter McCullough on the ‘settled science’ surrounding COVID-19 vaccines

We can happily share this with our friends who have yet to wake up. This video tells the real business without too much unnecessary shock. Rebel News is available on Facebook  via YouTube.

Exclusive Interview: Dr. Peter McCullough on the ‘settled science’ surrounding COVID-19 vaccines

http://RebelFieldReports.com | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/478iNPZ Many doctors bravely risked their careers to break ranks with the unscientific approach governments around the world implemented when it came to COVID-19, but perhaps none with the same weight and authority as Dr. McCullough. Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story.


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