Bill C-11 PASSED Second Reading – The Canadian Internet Censorship Bill
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* CORRECTION to the statements in this video. The bill passed second reading. It is not yet law
Explanation HERE –
Correction – Bill C-11 – Passed Second Reading – Not Yet Passed into Law
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Kill Bill C-11
Bill C-11 is a direct threat to our online freedom. The government claims this bill is about “supporting Canadian culture” and “leveling the playing field.” In effect, bill C-11 will put in place an “Internet Czar”-the CRTC- who will pick which content gets moved to the top of the search menu and which content gets pushed to page 53 where it will never be discovered!
CHPC – Projet de loi C-11
Projet de loi C-11, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la radiodiffusion et apportant des modifications connexes et corrélatives à d’autres lois Adopté par le Comité : 14 juin 2022 Présenté à la Chambre : 15 juin 2022 Aucune réponse du gouvernment demandée
Décrypteurs | Projet de loi C-11 au Canada : censure à l’horizon?
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