Le mythe et l’arnaque de la psychiatrie, du TDAH, des troubles bipolaires et du déséquilibre chimique
The Scam of Psychiatry, ADHD, Bipolar, Chemical Imbalance
Perhaps we should look deeper before blindly trusting “authorities” with our mental health. These guys have more relevant info: http://www.cchrint.org/psychiatric-disorders/ And more here from a different source: http://www.anxietycentre.com/downloads/Chemical-Imbalance-Theory-is-False.pdf
Une courte vidéo dans laquelle des psychiatres sont interrogés :
– Faites-vous des tests pour confirmer le diagnostic psychiatrique de vos patients?
– Réussissez-vous à guérir vos patients?
“So you have to ask the classic roman legal question: CUI BONO? Who benefits?
The people who make the diagnosis”
Dr. Thomas Szasz
Transcription de la vidéo : http://www.encognitive.com/node/893
Autre courte vidéo :
Dr Thomas Szasz speaking about diagnoses as stigmatizing labels (3:50)
Dr Thomas Szasz speaking about diagnoses as stigmatizing labels.
This man was decades ahead of his time. If only more people had listened to him then perhaps millions of children would not have been stigmatized by diagnostic labels!
Documentaire :
The Marketing of Madness The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs (SD)
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