Quebec police intercepted Alexa Lavoie while she was reporting on a curfew protest taking place in the city.

Quebec police intercepted Alexa Lavoie while she was reporting on a curfew protest taking place in the city.


Quebec police intercepted Alexa Lavoie while she was reporting on a curfew protest taking place in the city.


Quebec police detain Rebel journalist Alexa Lavoie to stop her reporting on the curfew

L’événement, nommé ‘Le carnaval des bums’, incitait à la désobéissance envers le couvre-feu. Cette fois-ci, c’était dans la capitale de la belle province de Québec. La police de la ville de Québec n’est vraiment pas comme celle de Montréal, et nous avions déjà entrevu de se faire intercepter par les officiers de police.

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