Les DESSOUS des réseaux pédocriminels – CrowdBunker
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ADRESSE ALTERNATIVE : https://odysee.com/@PhilippeLeBel:4/Les-DESSOUS-des-R%C3%A9seaux-P%C3%A9docriminels:f
2. Prince Andrew’s Friend, Peter Nygard, Charged With Running ‘Elite Pedophile Ring
Prince Andrew’s Friend, Peter Nygard, Charged With Running ‘Elite Pedophile Ring’
The walls are closing in on Prince Andrew and the world’s powerful elite as their sick child rape crimes look set to be exposed to the whole world. Nytimes.com reports: Appearing by video in a Winnipeg court on Friday, Mr. Nygard, agreed to be sent to the United States to stand trial on the trafficking charges.