ARTICLE :  Canada goes full Orwellian, proposes criminalizing online speech and imposing HUGE fines

ARTICLE : Canada goes full Orwellian, proposes criminalizing online speech and imposing HUGE fines

C’est loin d’être réglé au Canada au niveau de la liberté d’expression! Il faut prioritairement travailler à contrecarrer le Bill C-36 qui est encore pire que le Bill C-10 !

Canada wake up ! Bill C-36 is even worse than Bill C-10 !

Canada goes full Orwellian, proposes criminalizing online speech and imposing HUGE fines

The world’s democracies are quickly devolving into throwbacks of authoritarian regimes as citizens of those countries, pampered by the good life and cowed into inaction by fear, allow their liberties to be taken from them one at a time. Canada, which is known the world over for its embrace o




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