Many Dying in Israel Following the Experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA Injections

Many Dying in Israel Following the Experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA Injections

Et aux USA, 1276 morts immédiates officiellement attribuées directement à l’injection du vaccin covid en date du 26 février 2021. Cela, sans même compter les effets néfastes de débilité sur la santé et les morts qui surviendront sur le long terme.

En Israel:

Many Dying in Israel Following the Experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA Injections

I made this short video with an audio broadcast of Mordechai Sones; so that I could pass on the information that many people here in Israel have been dying after receiving the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine.


Austria Suspends Use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Batch After Death

ZURICH-Austrian authorities have suspended inoculations with a batch of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine as a precaution while investigating the death of one person and the illness of another after the shots, a health agency said on March 7.


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