Suzanne Gazda, MD: Vast majority of her patients got significantly worse after the shots

Suzanne Gazda, MD: Vast majority of her patients got significantly worse after the shots

“She’s a neurologist with 4,000 patients. Most were vaccinated with the COVID vaccine. The majority of those vaxxed got significantly worse after getting the shot.”
29 AVR. 2023

Suzanne Gazda, MD: Vast majority of her patients got significantly worse after the shots

You can’t have the vast majority of your 4,000 patients get significantly worse after a “safe and effective” intervention. That’s not safe. The COVID vaccine should never have been approved. Watch this video I took of her today: In fact, the damage to your brain from the COVID vaccine is quantifiable in a $600 MRI test.

Quelle tristesse, quel découragement de constater le déni généralisé des effets secondaires graves de ces vaccinations, en plus de leur inefficacité, malgré la multitude des documents attestant de ceux-ci. Voyons-nous le mur de mensonges se fissurer un peu?

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