Sesame Street takes shots from critics for vaccinating Elmo to promote child COVID-19 jabs – LifeSite
No word on whether Sesame Street plans to cover Elmo’s potential battle with myocarditis. LifeSiteNews is on the cutting edge of life and family news reporting.
Marvel Comics introduces homosexual Spider-Man character named ‘Web-Weaver’ – LifeSite
Five Tampa Bay Rays pitchers are now subject to a media witch-hunt after refusing to wear LGBT symbols on their hats and shirts because of their faith in God. One ESPN commentator called the men “bigoted” for supposedly using “religious exemption BS” to say “no” to the Pride Month clothing.
Drag queen who danced for kids charged with 25 counts of child pornography – LifeSite
Brice Patric Ryschon Williams, who identifies as a ‘genderqueer social worker,’ is a well-known LGBT activist. ( LifeSiteNews) – In 2019, the Houston Public Library admitted that a registered child sex offender had been reading to children as part of their Drag Queen Storytime program.