3D to 5D Consciousness : Fighting back in Canada, CDC Zombie preparedness, Greece Update, Governors in trouble, Fed. Reserve Outage and more

3D to 5D Consciousness : Fighting back in Canada, CDC Zombie preparedness, Greece Update, Governors in trouble, Fed. Reserve Outage and more

C’est le meilleur message que je puisse transmettre à mes amis conscients. C’est le temps de l’action et de l’engagement envers nos valeurs !! Concrètement.

Fighting back in Canada, CDC Zombie preparedness, Greece Update, Governors in trouble, Fed. Reserve Outage and more

Not all Canadians are fast asleep in Canada. Some are fighting back and I’m here to support the ones fighting back. CDC is preparing people for zombie. I think they know what is coming down the pipe…


2. La charte canadienne des droits et libertés : https://www.canada.ca/fr/patrimoine-canadien/services/telechargez-commandez-charte-declaration.html




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