En Ontario, 30 000 litres de lait en trop jeté



Truthseeker on Twitter: “🤬🤬The government is forcing a dairy farm in Southern Ontario to dump 30,000 litres of milk because it has exceeded the quota. The farm cannot donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter. straight into the sewer so we can pay $7 per liter of milk. / Twitter”

🤬🤬The government is forcing a dairy farm in Southern Ontario to dump 30,000 litres of milk because it has exceeded the quota. The farm cannot donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter. straight into the sewer so we can pay $7 per liter of milk.

Tell the House: Keep the Senate’s C-11 Amendments


Tell the House: Keep the Senate’s C-11 Amendments

Over the last several months, concerned Canadians sent over 27,000 e-mails to Canadian Senators, urging them to stop Bill C-11 from censoring the Internet and doing serious damage to Canadian content creators in the process. Well, it worked! Under pressure from Canadians like you, the Senate has made some important amendments that reduce the harm this bill would cause.


Marie-Estelle Dupont : Le contrôle des masses par la peur


Marie-Estelle Dupont : Le contrôle des masses par la peur

Marie-Estelle Dupont, psychologue et auteur, nous parle de la “pensée binaire” qui s’installe aujourd’hui dans les médias et dans le débat public. Elle développe en profondeur les différentes raisons qui provoquent cette perte de nuances et de réflexions. La chute du niveau à l’école, les réseaux sociaux, la perte de sens et de transcendance, l’abandon de la jeunesse, etc.


Pfizer press release continues

De l’aveu même de la compagnie Pfizer les toutes nouvelles données montrent maintenant des réactions averses sérieuses dans un ration de 1/650 ou 1/800.  Ils commencent à ajuster leurs données. Cela vient d’un communiqué officiel. C’est la réalité actuelle reconnue par eux après tout ce temps de déni. Mais leur ratios actuels sous estiment la réalité des effets néfastes…

Pfizer press release continues

New York, January 27, 2023. Allegations, gain of function and directed evolution research, Friday, January 27, 2023 – 08:00pm the company would like to set the record straight.


Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole Analyzes mRNA & Alarming Blood Clots w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole Analyzes mRNA & Alarming Blood Clots w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

Dr. Ryan Cole returns for Part 2 of his mRNA analysis, and the adverse reactions that he believes are causing sudden adult deaths and foot-long blood clots. **「 CALL IN: 」**