Catégorie : <span>Général</span>

VIDEO : What The Actual Fuck? (Max Igan)

Shit I can’t believe I’m watching all of this….

(Click on Image): ;

What The Actual Fuck? BitChute Odysee: 3Speak: FreedomTube Mixcloud:…



Like COVID-19, climate alarmism is a tool global elites wield to control our lives

Featured Image Shutterstock

(LifeSiteNews) — It was a Friday in the late spring of 2016, and I was scrambling to figure out what I was going to teach my students during first period. I was in the heart of coaching through a rugby season, and exams were fast approaching — needless to say I was a busy teacher/coach. My first period class was a geography class, and I could tell that my students were visibly sluggish, and the advent of warm and sunny weather — something that always seems miraculous in Canada — beckoned their attention toward the window.

Lire la suite“Like COVID-19, climate alarmism is a tool global elites wield to control our lives”

Alabama Governor Signs Order to Fight Federal Vaccine Mandate



1. Alabama Governor Signs Order to Fight Federal Vaccine Mandate

Alabama Governor Signs Order to Fight Federal Vaccine Mandate

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) signed an executive order Monday to demand state agencies do not comply with federal coronavirus vaccine mandates. Executive Order 724 declares the “nonenforcement of federal COVID-19 vaccination mandates” effective immediately across the state.

2. Abp. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’


Abp. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’ – LifeSite

The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer.



Suite à leur « Lettre ouverte aux non vaccinés », le Dr Denis Rancourt et dix autres universitaires canadiens ont écrit une lettre aux « vaccinés »


Théovox Actualités – 2021-08-26

Bonjour, Aujourd’hui je trouvais important de faire un bulletin spécial autour du passeport vaccinal suite à la conférence de presse de la CAQ, le 24 août dernier et, suite à tout ce qui circule dans les médias conventionnels depuis cette conférence. Alors aujourd’hui Je m’entretiens avec le Professeur Rancourt à ce sujet.




No debate allowed around Quebec’s COVID-19 passports, Legault decrees (TRUE NORTH)

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa  – August 13, 2021 Quebec Premier François Legault is refusing to have an open democratic debate about vaccine passports in the province’s legislature because he claims it would expose Canadians to “conspiracy theories.” Legault …


It’s very creepy and impressive. You don’t want this in your body.


WOW: mRNA Vaccines Thru Microscope: Video Allegedly Of Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines

Join our leading researchers on to find the best videos from across the censorship-resistant internet platforms like Odysee, Rumble, LBRY, Bitchute & Brighteon. Add me on these great platforms:…





ARTICLE REPORTERRE : Le passe sanitaire, un pas de plus dans « l’autoritarisme » et la « société du contrôle »

SOURCE : « Overdose d’autoritarisme », « adoption hâtive de lois », « politique absurde »… Penseurs telle Barbara Stiegler, associatifs, défenseurs des libertés, syndicats, politiques s’inquiètent des mesures liberticides de l’exécutif. Car avec le passe sanitaire, un cran de …

Masks Simply Don’t Work. The Truth about Covid-19 and Masks.

21st July 2021 | 34:51

Masks are being shamelessly used by our Governments as a Political prop. Masks are being used as a reminder of a frightening scourge enveloping us and Mandates are a tool of subjugation. There is ample scientific evidence that masks don’t protect wearers from Covid19; and yet learned Public Health Officers, professional lobby groups and conflicted media perpetuate the Government lie.

From Sheep Station Creek in Queensland to Los Angeles County, mask hysteria rules.

It is simply cruel to force the elderly and young children to wear masks. Individuals should be free to choose, but Public Health officials should focus instead on the real risks of extended and unhygienic use of face masks and how to properly treat Covid-19.

Dr Babak Amin is a Consultant Anaesthetist with experience in the fields of Onco-Anaesthesia, major plastics, ENT, colorectal and robotic urological surgery. He has expertise in Peri-Operative Medicine and Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Testing, as well as in optimising complex and frail patients prior to major surgery. He has completed many specialist courses such as the Difficult, Fibre-Optic and Surgical Airway courses.

Dr Amin has an ardent passion for health care innovation and is involved in developing and investigating Artificial Intelligence monitoring systems in critical care medicine. He is also passionate about medical education, and routinely teaches anaesthesia registrars, medical students and nurses.




La Quinta Columna: Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles




Q SCOOP – La COVID-19 est causé par l’oxyde de graphène introduit par plusieurs voies dans le corps.

Annonce urgente : La COVID-19 est causé par l’oxyde de graphène introduit de plusieurs manières dans le corps. Aujourd’hui, La Quinta Columna a fait une annonce urgente qui, ils l’espèrent, touchera le plus grand nombre de personnes possible, en particulier celles impliquées dans les services de santé et juridiques, car le biostatisticien Ricardo Delgado, le…




ORWELL CITY: La Quinta Columna: Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles

It’s been confirmed: there’s graphene oxide in the vials. Read the article for more information, photos and videos. IT’S MINDBLOWING!