Protégez l’accès aux produits de santé naturels | Soutenez C-368 le 11 avril

Protégez l’accès aux produits de santé naturels | Soutenez C-368 le 11 avril


Protect Access to Natural Health Products | Support Bill C-368

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TWO Actions to Take Before Bill C-368 Goes to Second Reading in TWO Days –

Bill C-368’s second reading is scheduled in just TWO days! The first hour of debate for Bill C-368’s second reading is scheduled in just TWO days, on Thursday, April 11th, 2024. Time is of the essence!

Action 1: Signer la pétition

Sign this Petition – Petitions

Government responses to both e-petitions and paper petitions are received in an electronic format by the House of Commons and are posted as is without any alteration as soon as possible after the responses are tabled in the House of Commons. Delays may be encountered when a large amount of responses are tabled the same day.

Action 2: envoyer une lettre aux députés

Support Bill C-368 To Repeal Sections 500-504 of Bill C-47

While you were busy writing letters and sending postcards to educate our MPs, Shawn Buckley, President of Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA), was busy drafting a new Private Mem…

The second reading of Bill C-368 is taking place on April 11, 2024

MP Blaine Calkins explains the voting process for Bill C-368. The much anticipated second reading will take place on April 11, 2024.This pivotal moment initi…

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Description traduite de la vidéo: ” Trudeau et sa tribu démoniaque ne reculeront devant rien pour que les gens restent malades! Cette mesure ne fera pas seulement disparaître les praticiens de médecine naturelle, mais aussi les magasins d’alimentation naturelle et les fabricants de compléments alimentaires. ” 4755 commentaires (en anglais) sous cette vidéo.

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